


Tobago-Live informs what should be put in a suitcase during a trip to Tobago and what can be left quietly at home. Image (C) Pixabay

Luggage for your Tobago Holiday

Especially when you go to a destination for the first time, the question arises what belongs in your luggage and what is not needed. Basically there are no special requirements for a holiday on Tobago. Some hotels have a dress code that should be adhered to – but normally this requires a maximum of one shirt and one pair of trousers for men and a little more overcast clothing or dresses for women. Even if no one will refer you to the house for disrespect of the dress code, you will usually get a worse service or a less popular table. So it is best to inquire in advance.

In addition, and in particular for guests in private accommodation, light clothing is sufficient. Tshirts, shorts and skirts are appropriate during the day. If you want to have dinner in the evening, you as a man should wear longer trousers.

When you arrive, remember that they come from the cooled plane into the tropical heat. While it’s often cooler at home and you protect yourself from a cold on the plane, have light clothing ready to get off the plane. For the return flight, this procedure is reversed accordingly.

What you can or should buy locally depends on the type and location of the accommodation. If you have a supermarket nearby, it is not really worth packing more than necessary into your suitcase. If you are a little off the beaten track or need special products, you should prepare yourself a little better.

This belongs in the luggage and can stay at home

What you can buy place:

  • face cream
  • Batteries
  • razors and blades
  • Tampons etc.
  • Shampoo
  • paracetamol
  • There are also some laundries on the island that will do the work for you
  • sunglasses
  • mosquito repellent

What you should bring:

  • make-up
  • shoes
  • fountain hat / cap
  • Clothing
  • perfume
  • More complex hair care
  • shower gel
  • deodorant
  • Journals and books
  • A small wallet, best for quick access (e.g. for hanging around). Never carry credit cards, documents or more than 50 EUR / US$. Trousers with pocket inlet are also helpful.
  • beach towels – unless you live in one of the larger hotels
  • sturdy shoes or sneakers if excursions into the rainforest or other unpaved areas are planned.
  • Mosquito repellent with DEET (important!)

What you do not need in any case

  • High-heeled shoes
  • strappy shoes
  • Mini skirt and the little black one
  • Smoothing iron – the humidity of the air quickly makes work impossible

Keep in mind:

  • “Topless” and “Nudist” are not only reluctantly seen, but are forbidden by law. Stick to it to avoid problems.
  • The possession, trafficking and consumption of drugs is also strictly prohibited. So the rule of thumb applies:
  • What is forbidden in Germany is also forbidden on Tobago and will be severely punished. Even if some locals, especially teenagers, interpret this differently or even offer drugs for sale – don’t touch them!

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