Documents & Authorities

Documents & Authorities


A valid passport is required for a holiday on Tobago. Tobago-Live informs about everything worth knowing about passports and documents. Image (C) Pixabay

Documents & Authorities

Due to the location outside the Schengen area, there are a few things to consider when entering and staying in the Schengen area.


The passport must be valid for at least 6 months at the time of departure. It is possible that a check will be made on entry to determine whether a return flight ticket has been purchased or booked. It is also not unusual to ask for the address(es) of the stay on arrival – these should therefore be kept ready as a precaution.
Minors travelling alone should carry an officially certified declaration of consent from their guardians.


A visa is not required for travellers from the following countries:

  • Europe: Belgium, France, Germany, Denmark, Finland (up to 3 months stay) Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Portugal, Sweden (up to 3 months stay), Switzerland, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom
  • Commonwealth countries: All – except Australia, India, New Zealand, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, India
  • USA: For holidays of a maximum of three months
  • Others: Brazil, Colombia, France. Guyana, Guadeloupe, Israel, Martinique, Netherlands Antilles, Suriname, Venezuela (up to 14 days)

All information without guarantee. For further information, as well as the issue and conditions for work and residence permits, we recommend the website and the list of consulates and embassies of Trinidad & Tobago mentioned there.

Health Certificates

No documents are required as long as there is no entry from an area with a high risk of yellow fever. In this case, the submission of an international certificate is required. Although it is not an official requirement, some authorities recommend hepatitis A vaccination.

Protection against insects is recommended to eliminate the small risk of dengue infection. This is typical for tropical regions. Due to the partly rural location of the tourist accommodations, appropriate precautions are therefore required in order to be able to avoid further routes to medical care. A foreign health insurance should be provided for the duration of the trip.

Other Documents

If a car or motorcycle is to be rented, an international driving licence must be presented. This applies to all persons who are to drive the rented vehicle.


An exit tax is required for all departing foreign guests. On a flight with Condor, this has already been paid by the airline. No TT$ may be carried on Departure.

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